Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



There are a few unique features about CBS. One unique feature is CBS is both a regionally and nationally accredited school. These accreditations put CBS on the same level as schools such as Texas A&M, UT, U of H and the like. Another unique feature is our Mission Statement. Furthermore, CBS seeks to offer its students Truth, Training, and Transformation.

Mission Statement: The College of Biblical Studies exists to glorify God by educating and equipping multi-ethnic Christian leaders to impact the world for Christ.

There are a number of good reasons why most students choose CBS. We have a very generous credit transfer policy. Our tuition rates are far more reasonable than any other 4-year school. It is a way for the Christian college student to get a bachelor’s degree from an accredited school with Christian values. It is a fabulous “springboard” for those who are called to ministry to prepare them for seminary. It is a means for the community college graduate who is already entrenched in a career to go on and obtain a bachelor’s degree in order to improve his or her chances of promotion at work. CBS provides a world-class education at a reasonable investment.

CBS seeks applicants who are professed Christians, who are looking to further their education, and who are seeking to grow in a deeper relationship with the Lord. (Truth, Training, Transformation)

It is very easy to apply to CBS. Our application is online and represents a “turn-key” process for admission to the college. Upon full completion of the application and receipt of all required documents (transcripts, shot records, SAT/ACT scores, etc.) the CBS admissions team carefully reviews each application in order to determine admission status.

Your SAT/ACT scores may allow you to bypass CBS’ admissions testing process

Absolutely! If you wish to meet with an admissions officer, make sure to set up a meeting via email or calling beforehand. If it is during application, usually two months before the beginning of a semester, try to schedule an appointment to ensure they are not too busy to meet with prospective students.

CBS’ values and vision are best stated in our mission and vision statements.

Mission and Vision
The College of Biblical Studies was established to provide college-level training in Bible and theology for our Christian community.
• Biblical: Curriculum is based on a biblical world view, founded on scriptural truth, and focused on ministry preparation and life transformation.

• Diverse: Students study and experience the education process with fellow students from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

• Accessible: On-campus locations are offered in Houston, Indianapolis, and Ft. Wayne with classes available during the day, evenings, and Saturdays. Our online classes provide even greater flexibility to support the working adult.

• Affordable: The cost of attendance is intentionally lower than other accredited private institutions. Financial aid and scholarships are available to assist students in meeting the financial requirements of their studies.

CBS Mission Statement
The College of Biblical Studies exists to glorify God by educating and equipping multi-ethnic Christian leaders to impact the world for Christ.

CBS Vision Statement
To develop and disciple multi-ethnic Christian leaders who transform underserved communities through a life-changing biblical education.

The profile of our most successful student is one who seeks to fulfill the imperative in 1 Cor. 10:31 and Col. 3:17 which (paraphrased) exhorts the believer to “do all to the glory of God”. Moreover, the successful student has a mindset to be challenged (but not overwhelmed) to glorify God through his or her seeking a deeper relationship with Him. Ultimately, it is this relationship that remains at the forefront of our successful student’s mind as he or she balances family, work, ministry, and school. The successful student delivers excellence in all these areas through maintaining this aforementioned perspective.

Financial Aid

In addition to pell grant awards through FAFSA, CBS offers a number of donor based scholarships.

On the CBS site, we have a financial aid portal known as “My FA”. This portal links FAFSA's assessment with our site in order for the student to see what financial aid they have received.

Yes. However, CBS does require each scholarship applicant to complete FAFSA and My FA as well as register for classes. Since the scholarships are “needs-based” each application is reviewed individually by our scholarship review board to determine eligibility.

While many institutions use the word “negotiate”, CBS prefers the word “appeal”. If you feel like you should qualify for more assistance, we do have an appeal process.

CBS requires each student to serve in the Body of Christ in order to graduate. This requirement takes the form of Christian Service modules of 28 hours of service during 3 different semesters. Contact the Dean of Students for other work-study opportunities.

Ask A Professor

Meeting with a professor could be a great way for a prospective student to make contact and learn about a department and class, especially if the prospective student has a strong sense of his or her degree focus. The prospect can learn about the Prof’s teaching style, the department’s approach, and any opportunities for independent projects or research.

Students are expected to honor the Lord through their efforts to study “heartily as if for the Lord”. Timely attendance to class, submission of assignments, and maintaining comprehension of the assigned reading places the student in the best position to be successful.

All of these requirements reflect the array of requirement options for a class. Depending on the class and grade level, there will be a combination of some or all of these aforementioned.

The required and recommended textbooks are always listed in the course syllabus. Having a personal computer is a staple for student success.

CBS requires that a prospective student be a professed believer in Jesus Christ as the sole means for salvation. A high school diploma or GED is required for admission to CBS. A fundamental level of computer skills is necessary in order to fulfill the course requirements.

Yes. Depending on the degree plan, some of our programs require a capstone project that can be in the form of a thesis.

Some of our degree plans offer the flexibility of interdisciplinary studies due to the large number of elective courses in the program.

Academic and More

Below questions are divided up by academics, support resources, internships, study abroad programs, extra-curricular, residential life, and general culture, as well as some personal questions.

That would be like asking a mother who her favorite child is! All of our curriculum are taught by world-class professors. The more popular bachelor programs include Biblical Counseling and Organizational Leadership.

CBS offers an extremely personal class environment with class sizes averaging 12-15 students. The professor knows each student’s name and face.

The answer to this question depends on the course, objectives, and curriculum in each course.

All CBS course are taught by the lead professor. Most of our Prof’s hold a terminal degree in the field of course study in which they teach.

Absolutely! Each prof advertises office hours for a face-to-face meeting as well as e-mail and phone numbers. Many Profs give out their personal cell numbers for maximum accessibility.

Yes, Mobirise is free for both non-profit and commercial sites.

Some courses have pre-requisites and cannot be taken until other courses are satisfactorily completed. A recommended course chart for each degree plan is listed in the Academic Catalog. Additionally, the student’s academic advisor can assist in course selection. However, in most circumstance, the ultimate decision on course selection rests with the student.

Yes, (usually). However, early registration is encouraged in order to avoid seeking a course that is full.

The WiFi is free and is available all over the CBS campus.

Yes. However, a student must be aware of the impact that switching majors may have on the completed and required courses.

For the academic advisor, student success is our mission and ministry. Resultantly, the advisor not only recommends applicable classes, they also assist in helping the new student in realizing overall success through our student success center.

A student should check with his or her professor on a case-by-case basis.

CBS’ honors program recognizes students at the cum laude, magna cum laude, and suma cum laude level. Most 4 year programs finish with a capstone class.

The typical CBS class meets once a week for 3 hours. In addition to the class time, 9 hours of assignment/reading is required for each class.

The answer to this question depends on the class and its objectives.

CBS offers a number of study environments including the Student Life Center, the Student Success Center (in the Registrar’s suite), the library, as well as private rooms in the library.

Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday- 8:30am- 9pm; Wednesday 8:30am- 6pm; Saturday 8:30am- 3pm; Friday & Sunday closed.

CBS employs the Logos biblical software program. CBS also requires each student in a bachelor’s program to complete a “Research and Writing” class. This class familiarizes the CBS student will all methods and venues for composing research papers of a sorts.

Yes. Because of the smaller CBS class size, each student receives a more personal experience with his or her professor.

Yes. CBS employs a number of approaches to ensure student success. Some specific include student success through academic advising, mentoring/tutoring from fellow students, online writing center for paper evaluation, (to mention a few). Contact your academic advisor for ideas on how to best obtain assistance.

Yes. Depending on the class and curriculum, such an approach is encouraged by the professor.

Yes. CBS has a computer lab, computers in the library, and well as computers in the student success center (in the Registrar’s suite). However, each student is encouraged to obtain his or her own computer.

Yes. A number of the course in each degree program fit this description.

CBS student services offer world class service to our students. The academic advisor offers a “one-stop” approach at student success beginning at the first week of the student’s first class until the last day of the final class before the student graduates.Do the librarians help with research? Yes. Please visit CBS Library Writing Helps for details.