Emerging Leaders Program

Full-Tuition Scholarship Program for Christian Men Who Experienced Father Absence

Emerging Leader, Martin Walker


Christian young men may qualify for a very important, valuable scholarship to attend the College of Biblical Studies, an accredited college headquartered in Houston with locations in Indianapolis and Fort Wayne, Indiana, and an online campus. Because of the generosity of a gracious supporter, the Emerging Leaders Scholarship will fully fund tuition for an associate or bachelor’s degree at CBS.


Must be a Christian male, 30 or under, who attends church.


Must be a high school graduate, have a GED, or be enrolled as a dual-credit high school junior or senior.


Must have grown up without an engaged and/or positive father in their home.

If this describes you, please apply today! Being accepted into the prestigious Emerging Leaders program means you can attend college tuition free – and you can earn a degree that will change your future forever!

You can begin right away and you can learn from anywhere. Classes launch throughout the year, and you can complete your entire degree online* through flexible or face-to-face virtual courses. Once you apply, we will get back to you quickly to let you know whether you are accepted into the program and to discuss next steps.

Young men who are selected must:

• Commit to a minimum of a two-year associate degree, with the option of a four-year        degree (students with previous credits or associate degree may apply)

• Be referred by or affirmed by their pastor

• Allow CBS to share information about your progress with your pastor and/or accountability partner

• Work closely with a CBS advisor/mentor to stay enrolled in classes, meet requirements to pass classes and to graduate

• Serve their church/community through a Christian Service-Learning Program project

• Complete your FAFSA annually. A $40 annual book charge is required to guarantee remaining book charges will be covered by the scholarship or Title IV.

If selected for the program, you will receive numerous benefits, in addition to a life-transforming education:

• All tuition is paid for by CBS (Emerging Leaders may not take out loans while in school)

• A group of student peers to support and encourage you

• Life assessments to help you understand your gifts and find your place in the world

• Mentoring, discipleship and accountability partners

• Free personal counseling, if needed

• Study-skills support and financial stewardship education

• An accredited associate and/or bachelor’s degree – if you stay strong and persist!

• A lifetime friendship connection to CBS alumni and faculty

*Note: CBS is currently offering courses online only because of the pandemic. At some point in the future, the college will again offer in-person classes in Texas and Indiana, while continuing the online programs.

Please call or email us right away to discuss the next steps.
Please do not delay; this scholarship is worth up to $40,000! We look forward to getting to know you!

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